Product Details
Shot Bag Impactor
Impactor of Impact Test for Safety Glazing Materials Used in Buildings
Shot Bag of Test device for the impact performance for Safety glazing materials in building
Impacting Shot Bag of Impact Test for Safety glazing materials in buildings
Related Standards:
1) AS/NZS 2208 Safety glazing materials in buildings – Appendix D: Impact Test
2) GB 15763.3 Safety glazing materials in building Part 3: Laminated glass – Appendix C: Test device for the impact performance of shot bag
3) ANSI Z97.1 Safety Glazing Materials Used in Buildings - Safety Performance Specifications and Methods of Test - Clause 5.1: Impact Test
4) ASTM : E2353 Standard Test Methods for Performance of Glazing in Permanent Railing Systems, Guards, and Balustrades – Clause 7.3 Shot Bag, Traction and Release System
5) Application:
6) Determining the resistance of glazing materials to impact by the penetration method
7) Reinforced leather bag filled with chiller lead shot
Technical Data:
8) Weight: 45kg ± 0.1kg 46kg ± 0.1kg
9) Height: 330mm ± 13mm
10) Max diameter: 250mm
11) Lead sand size: 2.5mm
Customized 25kg 48k
Impact Testing Machine